Free Consultation: 301-464-2500

Joseph Carey

About Joseph Carey

My name is Joe Carey, and I am the founder and principal attorney of the Carey Law Office. I have lived in Maryland my entire life. I grew up in a small town in Prince George’s County and, with the help of my partner in life, Nancy, I raised my family here: three exceptional children (a son and two daughters), and two goofy, spoiled black Labrador Retrievers. Learn More
Sep 30, 2024

When Drug Diversion Programs are an Alternative to Incarceration

By |September 30th, 2024|Drugs|

Maryland drug diversion programs offer alternatives to incarceration for individuals facing criminal charges due to substance use disorders. These programs are designed to provide treatment and support instead of traditional criminal penalties. When are drug diversions available to offenders in Maryland? There are some circumstances under which drug diversion programs may be considered as alternatives to incarceration in Maryland. Here are some considerations that are made: Nature of the offense: Drug diversion programs are typically [...]

Sep 23, 2024

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Criminal Trials

By |September 23rd, 2024|Criminal|

Expert witnesses play a critical role in criminal trials, providing specialized knowledge to help the court understand complex evidence and issues beyond the average person's understanding. Despite being hired by one side of the litigation, they must be impartial and objective because they are bound by professional and ethical standards to base their testimony strictly on their professional expertise. What do expert witnesses do in criminal trials? Here’s a breakdown of the key functions of [...]

Sep 16, 2024

Understanding Bail in Maryland

By |September 16th, 2024|Criminal|

The bail process in Maryland involves several steps to determine whether a defendant can be released from custody while awaiting trial and under what conditions. Here’s a general overview of how it works: Arrest and initial detention: After an arrest, the defendant is typically taken to a police station, booked, and held until a bail hearing can be scheduled. Bail hearing: This is usually the defendant's first court appearance after an arrest. The hearing often [...]

Sep 3, 2024

What Happens When You Are Accused of a Hate Crime in Maryland?

By |September 3rd, 2024|Criminal|

A new website has recently been created in Maryland to help identify and combat hate crimes across the state. This website has raised concerns and curiosity about the implications of being accused of a hate crime. Accusations of hate crimes are serious, and in today's society, individuals are often presumed guilty by the public, even without evidence. If you have been accused of committing a hate crime in Bowie, Dunkirk, or anywhere else in Maryland, [...]

Aug 26, 2024

Possible Strategies to Defend Against Charges Based on Facial Recognition

By |August 26th, 2024|Criminal|

Maryland recently passed two bills that would regulate how law enforcement officers use facial recognition technology during investigations of certain types of crimes. The bills elaborate and describe various requirements for facial recognition, which are said to be the strongest in any state across the United States. These new rules and regulations are being put in place at a time when facial recognition has become a big part of policing. The hope is that the [...]

Aug 19, 2024

Understanding Attorney-Client Privilege

By |August 19th, 2024|Criminal|

Trust and confidentiality are crucial when working with a criminal defense attorney in Bowie or Dunkirk. Certain discussions during the legal process require a high level of privacy, and attorney-client privilege works to protect this confidentiality. Attorney-client privilege is important because, without it, clients would be afraid to speak openly with their lawyers, which could make it more challenging to build a strong defense. The law is clear, and courts take it seriously, so with [...]

Aug 12, 2024

DUI for Prescription Drugs in Maryland

By |August 12th, 2024|DUI|

Many people are unaware that they can receive a DUI (driving under the influence) for taking prescription drugs if that medication affects their driving capabilities. In Bowie, Dunkirk, and across Maryland, such accusations are considered serious crimes, often leading to some of the most challenging legal battles. The good news is that a professional drug DUI attorney knows the laws surrounding these issues and what the prosecutor must prove for the charges to hold up. [...]

Jul 1, 2024

How Do Jury Deliberations Work in Criminal Cases?

By |July 1st, 2024|Criminal|

Most serious criminal cases (where a prison sentence is likely after conviction) are decided by juries. Juries are generally chosen from the community where the defendant lives. In state court cases, juries are chosen from the county where the defendant lives. In federal cases, the jurors are chosen from several nearby counties. Since jurors decide the fate of a defendant, it’s critical to understand what a juror does. Once the jurors are chosen in criminal [...]

Jun 24, 2024

Why You Need a Lawyer When Your Security Clearance is at Risk

By |June 24th, 2024|Criminal|

Many Maryland workers need to obtain security clearances to view and handle classified documents as part of their job. The loss of the proper security clearance can mean the loss of your job. A criminal record may affect your security clearance. Often, the best way to keep your security clearance is to obtain a dismissal of the criminal charges, an acquittal, or a plea bargain to a lesser offense that won’t jeopardize your security clearance. [...]

Jun 17, 2024

Criminal Charges Stemming from Car Crashes

By |June 17th, 2024|Criminal|

When a car accident happens in Maryland, the police should be called to the scene of the accident. The police clear traffic, obtain each driver’s relevant information (driver’s license, insurance policies, and other information), and tend to anyone who is injured; then, they’ll investigate how the accident happened. If the police believe a crime occurred, they may arrest the driver at the scene. There are many different types of criminal charges that can be filed, [...]

AV Rated Prince Georges Country Bar Association TOP 100 Lawyer APITLAmerica MAFJ MSBA MCDAA NACDL

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Susan M.

"I was very pleased with the help I got. Even though I was scared, had never been in trouble before, and had a lot of questions, everyone was as nice and sweet as they could be – I loved everybody. Mr. Carey is a classy, intelligent man, and he and [his staff] make a great team. I always keep their number in my phone and their card in my wallet, and if I ever need a lawyer, that’s who I’ll call."

Susan M.

Jonathan V.

"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

Monica B.

"We were very pleased – the case had a nice outcome. [Mr. Carey] was professional, courteous, and on time. He was so easy to talk to, concerned, and caring – it was an enjoyable experience for what we had to go through. I also really appreciated how he was so easy to contact, and [the staff] really put me at ease."

Monica B.

Robbie L.

"I have to say thank you with all my heart. Mr. Carey is a wonderful lawyer."

Robbie L.

Larry M.

"My experience at Carey Law Office was nothing but success and I truly value all the great work he and his team did."

Larry M.

Godfrey E.

"[This is a] very, very, very professional office. [Everyone is] very attentive to clients’ problems, working diligently to communicate with [their] clients."

Godfrey E.