Calvert County Repeat DUI Defense Lawyer

Our Calvert County DUI defense attorney represents clients arrested for repeat DUI offenses

A repeat DUI offender is someone who’s had more than one DUI violation within five years. If you’re facing charges for repeat DUI offenses in Calvert County, you understand the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences involved. Dealing with multiple DUI charges can be daunting, with the possibility of severe legal penalties, including license suspension, hefty fines, and even jail time. At Carey Law Office, we recognize the challenges and complexities that repeat DUI cases present, and we’re here to provide you with skilled and dedicated defense representation. With over 40 years of experience navigating Maryland’s DUI laws and a track record of success in defending clients against DUI charges, our Calvert County repeat DUI defense lawyer is committed to protecting your rights, exploring all available legal options, and fighting to mitigate the impact of these charges on your life.

How can a Calvert County DUI defense attorney help when you are facing repeat DUI charges?

A Calvert County DUI defense attorney can provide invaluable assistance when you are facing repeat DUI charges by offering comprehensive legal representation and strategic defense strategies tailored to your specific circumstances. Here are several ways in which our team can help:

  • Case assessment: We will conduct a thorough review of the facts surrounding your case, including the circumstances of your arrest, the results of any field sobriety tests or chemical tests, and any prior DUI convictions. This assessment helps in identifying potential legal defenses and weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
  • Defense strategies: We will develop a strategic defense tailored to the specific facts of your case. This may involve challenging the legality of the traffic stop or arrest, questioning the accuracy of field sobriety tests or chemical tests, or challenging the admissibility of evidence obtained by law enforcement.
  • Negotiation with prosecutors: In some cases, we may negotiate with prosecutors to seek reduced charges or sentencing alternatives, such as participation in a substance abuse treatment program or probation instead of jail time.
  • Court representation: Your attorney will represent you in court proceedings, including arraignment, pre-trial hearings, and trial. He will present your defense arguments effectively, cross-examine witnesses, and advocate on your behalf to secure the best possible outcome.
  • License suspension hearings: If your driver’s license is at risk of suspension due to repeat DUI charges, we can represent you in administrative license suspension hearings and work to protect your driving privileges.
  • Post-conviction relief: If you are convicted of repeat DUI offenses, we can explore options for post-conviction relief, such as appealing the conviction or seeking modifications to your sentence.

Overall, a knowledgeable and experienced Calvert County DUI defense attorney can provide essential support and advocacy at every stage of your case, working diligently to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

What are the administrative penalties for DUI repeat offenders in Calvert County?

Repeat DUI offenders face increasingly severe administrative penalties with each subsequent offense. Driver’s license suspension is a common consequence for repeat DUI offenders, and the length of the suspension tends to increase with each offense. Factors such as the number of prior DUI convictions within a specific timeframe and the level of alcohol concentration in the offender’s blood at the time of arrest can influence the duration of the suspension.

Another common penalty for repeat DUI offenders is the requirement to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicles. An IID is a breathalyzer device that prevents the vehicle from starting if the driver’s breath alcohol concentration exceeds a pre-set limit. This requirement is often imposed as a condition of license reinstatement or restricted driving privileges for repeat DUI offenders.

Repeat DUI offenders may also be required to complete alcohol education and treatment programs. These programs aim to address alcohol dependency issues, promote responsible drinking behavior, and reduce the risk of future alcohol-related offenses. The completion of such programs may be a condition for license reinstatement following a DUI conviction.

Other administrative penalties for repeat DUI offenders may include mandatory alcohol assessment, community service requirements, and increased insurance rates. These penalties are designed to address the underlying issues of alcohol misuse, promote public safety, and deter repeat offenses. It’s essential for individuals facing DUI charges in Calvert County to understand the potential administrative penalties and seek legal guidance to navigate the process effectively. Our criminal defense attorney can help.

What are the criminal penalties for repeat drunk driving convictions in Calvert County?

Repeat drunk driving convictions in Calvert County can result in increasingly severe criminal penalties. The specific penalties imposed for repeat DUI offenses may vary depending on factors such as the number of prior convictions within a certain timeframe, the level of alcohol concentration in the offender’s blood at the time of arrest, and other aggravating factors. However, common criminal penalties for repeat DUI convictions in Calvert County may include:

  • Jail time: Repeat DUI offenders face the possibility of significant jail sentences, especially for multiple convictions within a short period. Jail sentences may range from several days to several months or more, depending on the circumstances of the offense and the offender’s prior criminal history.
  • Fines: Repeat DUI offenders may be ordered to pay substantial fines as part of their criminal sentence. Fines for repeat DUI convictions can amount to thousands of dollars, and the exact amount depends on factors such as the number of prior convictions and the severity of the offense.
  • Probation: In lieu of or in addition to jail time, repeat DUI offenders may be placed on probation. Probation typically involves compliance with certain conditions imposed by the court, such as refraining from alcohol consumption, attending alcohol treatment programs, submitting to random drug and alcohol testing, and maintaining regular contact with a probation officer.
  • Driver’s license suspension or revocation: Repeat DUI offenders face longer periods of driver’s license suspension or revocation compared to first-time offenders. The length of the suspension or revocation may vary depending on the number of prior convictions and other factors.
  • Vehicle impoundment or forfeiture: In some cases, repeat DUI offenders may face vehicle impoundment or forfeiture as a consequence of their convictions. This penalty may apply to vehicles used in the commission of the offense or owned by the offender.
  • Court-ordered treatment programs: Repeat DUI offenders may be required to attend alcohol education, counseling, or treatment programs as a condition of probation or license reinstatement. These programs aim to address alcohol dependency issues and promote responsible drinking behavior.

It’s important to note that the specific criminal penalties for repeat DUI convictions in Calvert County, Maryland, may vary depending on the circumstances of each case and the discretion of the presiding judge. If you are facing criminal charges, you should seek qualified legal representation from the experienced DUI defense attorney at Carey Law Office to protect your rights and advocate for the best possible outcome in your case.

What is an ignition interlock device?

According to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration:

An ignition interlock is a camera that connects a motor vehicle’s ignition system to a tool that can detect and measure the alcohol level on a driver’s breath. An ignition interlock will prevent a car from starting if the system detects alcohol. The data logger keeps a record of every transaction, along with the date, time, and alcohol level, any efforts to disable the device, make changes to the unit, as well as any request for random retest compliance. This information is reported to the appropriate monitor.

If you are assigned an ignition interlock device (IID), you are responsible for all the associated costs. Clients of Carey Law Office have an advantage when it comes to installing an ignition interlock device. Our firm has a close working relationship with one of the major IID installing companies in Maryland, and we have secured a special installation rate only available for our clients. If you choose our firm to represent you, you can bring a copy of your form to the IID installer, who will waive the cost of installation (about $150) and the first month’s maintenance fee (about $75), savings of up to $225 on the entire system.

Do you have a Calvert County repeat DUI defense attorney near me?

We have two local offices for your convenience:

Bowie Office
14300 Gallant Fox Ln, Suite 223
Bowie, MD 20715

Dunkirk Office
10425 Southern Maryland Blvd., #201
Dunkirk, MD 20754

Calvert County repeat DUI defense attorney protecting your rights

If you’re facing the prospect of repeat DUI charges in Calvert County, don’t navigate the legal complexities alone. Our experienced DUI defense attorney is here to provide you with skilled and dedicated representation tailored to your unique circumstances. Don’t let a repeat DUI charge derail your future — reach out to us today for a confidential consultation and let us fight for your rights and your freedom. Call our offices or use our contact form to schedule a consultation today to discuss your case.